EVGRAEnglefield Green, Surrey, England
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Local Authors near and around the Great Park  


Wentworth Club Ltd : Wentworth - a host of happy memories
When I first commissioned this publication to coincide with the opening of the refurbished clubhouse, I had no idea what an enthralling and absorbing book it would turn out to be....Elliott Bernerd Club Chairman 1993 166 pages.
ISBN: 0-9521595-0-3
Publisher: Wentworth Club Ltd

Jill Williams : The Thorpe Picture Book
The history of Thorpe in words and pictures. ?5.95 from the Egham-by-Runnymede Historical society

Richard Williams : Royal Holloway College - a Pictorial History
The history of this wonderful college and buidling in words and pictures.

Richard Williams : Runnymede - A Pictorial History
A history of Runnymede in Pictures. Available from the Eghan-by-Runnymede Historial society.

Jane Roberts : Royal Landscape. The Gardens and Parks of Windsor
Royal Landscape. The Gardens and Parks of Windsor

Graham Dennis : The Englefield Green Picture book
Englefield Green in Pictures from someone whose fmaily have been in the area for a long time.

Ron J Elliott : The Story of Windsor Great Park
The Story of Windsor Great Park