EVGRAEnglefield Green, Surrey, England
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Site managed
by Team Discovery Ltd
in association with Englefield Green Village Residents Association (EGVRA)
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Local Information

Churches and Religious Matters

This page is dedicated to local Churches in Englefield Green and surrounding area. New links will be added as we find out about the web sites of local Churches.

Church of the Assumption and Jurgens Centre
St Jude's Parish Church
Greek Orthodox - Church of St Andrew
Church of the Assumption and Jurgens Centre
St Jude's Parish Church
Greek Orthodox - Church of St Andrew
  The chapel at Royal Holloway  
The chapel at Royal Holloway


Bishopsgate Evangelical Church


Kings Lane, TW20 0UE
01932 887086

The Church has been in Englefield Green for over 100 years. Sunday service at 10.30 am.

Church of the Assumption (Roman Catholic)


Harvest Road

Greek Orthodox Church of St Andrew the Apostle


St Jude's Road, TW20

Served by a visiting Priest every 2nd and 4th Sunday of the month at 10.30 a.m.

Information: Mr Agisilaos Mikellides

Tel: 01753 840 577

St Jude's Church (C of E and Methodist)


St Jude's Road
01784 432553

Revd Mark Ewbank - 01784 432553

Revd Andrew Reed - 01784 252559

See website for details: http://www.stjudeschurch.info/

St Jude's Church Choir

01784 432553

New singers would be welcome for the 9.30am Sunday service.

You do not have to rad music!

Tel: 01784 432553


St Jude's Church Hall

Bond Street
01784 437615

Available for hire. (Not birthday parties)

The Chapel Choir of Royal Holloway


Egham Hill, TW200EX

The Royal Holloway Chapel Choir upholds the tradition of singing daily in the College Chapel. It is a mixed SATB choir and is ecumenical.

The Chapel of Royal Holloway, University of London


Egham Hill, TW200EX

A place where the whole Christian community can feel at home and where anyone in the College can drop in during the day for a moment of peace and rest. We also arrange all sorts of opportunities for people to think about and discuss ethical and religious issues of abiding importance.

The Journey

Village Centre
Victoria Street

Meets at 11 am on Sundays in The Forest Estate Hub  - 57 Larchwood Dr, Englefield Green, Egham TW20 0SL

Phone: 01784 557040


Join us for a free home-cooked lunch on the first Sunday of every month at 1 pm (excluding August). Everyone is welcome to come along to either or both.

Links to some other useful related sites