EVGRAEnglefield Green, Surrey, England
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Site managed
by Team Discovery Ltd
in association with Englefield Green Village Residents Association (EGVRA)
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Village Map

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Englefield Green Map

Highway issues and responsibilities

Highway issues and responsibilities

Central Service Responsibilities



Direct Number


Hugh Brooman

0208 541 7318


Ann Woods

01483 519346

Buses/bus stops

Laurie James

0208 541 9367

Development related highway work

Noel Desmond

0208 541 9816

Local authority searches

Highways information team

0208 541 8922

Rights of way/footpaths

Ann Woods

01483 519346

Traffic signals maintenance

Traffic systems

0300 200 1003

Emergency out of hours number: 01932 571868

Local Transportation Service Responsibilities



Direct Number

Access Covers

Ian Paterson

01932 571868


Roger King

01932 571868

Blocked gullies/highway flooding/highway drains

Ian Paterson

01932 571868

Builders materials (licences)

Roger King

01932 571868

Carriageway maintenance

Chris Beck, Bill Turmeau

01932 571868

Disabled parking bays

Anita Benfield

01932 571868

Dropped kerbs (vehicle crossovers)

Roger King

01932 571868

Fly posting

Chris Beck, Bill Turmeau

01932 571868

Footway maintenance

Chris Beck, Bill Turmeau

01932 571868

Grass verges

Ian Paterson

01932 571868


Ian Paterson

01932 571868

Highway enforcement

Chris Beck

01932 571868

Illuminated signs and bollards

David Piesley

01932 571868

Lighting on streets/footways

David Piesley

01932 571868

Overhanging vegetation

Chris Beck, Bill Turmeau

01932 571868

Parking enforcement

Surrey Police

01932 845544

Pedestrian crossings

Christopher Deakins

01932 571868

Pot holes

Chris Beck, Bill Turmeau

01932 571868

Road humps

David Mitchell, Christopher Deakins

01932 571868

Road opening licences

Roger King

01932 571868

Road signs and markings

Anita Benfield

01932 571868

Road works (inc temporary signals)

Ian Paterson

01932 571868

Safe Routes to School

Catherine Usher

01932 571868

Scaffold licences

Roger King

01932 571868

Skip licences

Roger King

01932 571868

Speed limits

David Mitchell, Christopher Deakins

01932 571868


Ian Paterson

01932 571868

Winter maintenance

Gerald Cole

01932 571868

Local Transportation Manager – William Ward
Local Transportation Service – Runnymede
T: 01932 571868
e: Runnymede.lts@surreycc.gov.uk
Office open from Monday – Friday 8.30 – 5.00